In a Indian religious context Purohit means a family priest, originated from Sanskrit Purohita, translated as: one placed foremost, from Puras meaning front, and hita, placed. The word is also used synonymously with the word Pandit that also means a priest.Rajpurohit is a term used to denote a priest for a royal family or a king who was the authorized person that carried out rituals for the royal family. Purohits which site on ford of the holy rivers or holy tanks, which maintaned the records of the forefathers of the Hindu Family from thousands years back is known as Tirth Purohits. Purohits are said to be the oldest brahmins. They were also advisors to the kings and no king would attack other kingdom without consulting with Purohit.
What is Puja?
Puja is a ritual practice performed by hindus to worship one or more deities. It is done by pandits who has skilled in Sanskrit languages and mastered in four Vedic scriptures like, Hindu rituals, Hindu law, religion, music. Pooja may be a temple ceremonies and annual festivals or family lifetime events such as New born baby, Weddings, Grah Pravesh, naming ceremony etc.
Sixteen Ceremonies
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Being one of the online Sanskrit Gurukulas, this is the most prominent site for learning Sanskrit aspects.
Gurukula is the place where Guru and his followers(Teacher and students) mingle, and enlighten the topmost theories of the life and world. The very cause for the spread of such theories is based on the media, which are the Sanatana Vedas, Shastras and Puranas. They also cover the areas from which a person can become powerful both physically(by Yogas and Pranayamas) and mentally(by Dhyanas). The most secret thing that how one can achieve the ultimate truth also be conversed there.
To reveal such ideas all over the world specially keened ones, we have started this online Sanskrit teaching Gurukula. In this Gurukula, anything regarding Sanskrit can be taught i.e., Vedas, Shastras, Puranas, Bhagavadgeeta, Dhyana, Pranayamas, Yogas, Vyakaranas, Shilpashastras, Jyotishya, Lipishastras, Bhagavata, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Vishnupurana, Jain, Buddha, Sankhya Tattvas etc.
For job holders, retired people and students, this online Gurukula is most helpful to learn about Sanskrit as part-time specially Mantras like Ganapatisuktas, Purushsuktas, Shrisuktas, Rudras and for daily meditations Stotras like Shankarastotras, Bhagavadgeeta, Pratanastotras etc.
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As a part of samskrit :Grammar->
*Pananiya Vyakarna ,*Ashtadhyayi, *Siddhanta Kaumudi.
*Shankara Bhashya etc
In sathsanga, topics like Bhagavadgeeta, Viveka chudamani etc will be discussed.
Also we teach pranayama , dhyana (help to increase memory power and also to maintain good health) ,etc.
All the above can be learnt through ONLINE through SKYPE or GOOGLE HANGOUT
In this unhappy and peaceless world, do you wish to get peaceful life even doing your obligations? Do you want to know the ultimate truth about the Birth and Death?
and to get answers for many more such doubts and to learn Sanskrit, please contact us-
Vidwan Tirumaleshwar Bhat,
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Mob: +919480460801